Política de Cadena de Suministro Responsable

Version: 01
Validity: 2023-11-07

Metalurgical Operations S.A., a tin foundry located in the municipality of Oruro at 3706 meters above sea level, buys tin concentrates from Bolivian mining actors legally constituted in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. These Sn minerals can be high, medium and low grade in a range of 10% to 70%, with catches of batches greater than 10 kilogram (Acopier) and batches greater than 300 kilograms in the plant.

Location Huajara Controlled Industrial Park, Km 3.5 road to Capachos
Tax Identification Number 1023513029
Mining Identification Number 04-0001-02
General manager Mariano Ignacio Peró Taborga
Website www.omsabo.com

Metalurgical Operations S.A., the first tin foundry in Bolivia, is supplied entirely with purely local tin minerals, mining actors settled in the mining strip that correspond to the mining departments of La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro and Potosí, these suppliers comply with requirements legal issued by both national and departmental government agencies (SENARECOM, AJAM, own departmental governments) as well as requirements. OMSA takes into account for its ethical and legal operation Bolivian laws such as Law 535 on Mining and Metallurgy, Law 1333 on the Environment, Law 004 on the Fight against Corruption, Illicit Enrichment and Investigation of Bolivian Fortunes, Law 2492 Code Bolivian Tax,Law 045 on the fight against Racism and all forms of Discrimination.

Then, through a metallurgical process, produce high-quality tin ingots, even reaching 99.99% purity, which are marketed to customers in different parts of the world, especially Europe, North America and Asia.

Metalurgical Operations S.A., implements a due diligence management system, which considers that the conflict-free tin is one that has been obtained by adhering to the “5 due diligence steps ” established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with the aim of reducing direct marketing or indirectly it can finance or benefit armed groups or organizations that contribute to any type of abuse against human rights. In this sense, we adhere to the policy model and the supplement of the 3TG in Annex II of the OECD Due Diligence guide.The Dodd Frank law on conflict minerals obliges us to continuously monitor our suppliers and see that criminal acts that go against the security of the Bolivian State and its inhabitants are not financed, all these norms and laws have been managed for more than 10 years with the presentation of reports and reports first to the EICC and then to RMB.

An evaluation of our suppliers has been carried out (approx 70) according to OECD guidelines, resulting in a low average risk (mostly low), having a couple of municipalities with a yellow flag, but not the sources main where the tin that is commercialized and reaches our facilities is extracted. As mentioned above, OMSA is not supplied by tin from countries or providers of conflict or conflict risk areas,but we are aware that Due Diligence is a continuous, proactive and reactive process. Metallurgical Operations has a specific procedure for the control and monitoring of suppliers, taking as a reference from its legal aspect, reaching touch on relevant points of an economic and social nature, primarily safeguarding the Human Rights of those who maintain a commercial relationship with our company.

Metallurgical Operations S.A., keeps hierarchical personnel within the organization, as managers, chief commercial department, warehouse managers, concentrates, traffic, and exports, immersed in this policy and its responsibilities. We also communicate this policy to our suppliers through our Commercial Manager and anyone who maintains a commercial relationship with our company through our website and other means of communication available to OMSA.

Due Diligence Management:

Chief Commercial Department Reviews legal documentation of suppliers, origin, destination, KYC and manages them in a database (SIG OMSA).
Traffic Manager Contributes to the review and control together with the head of the Commercial Department.
Commercial Manager Toma de decisión necesaria en caso de que algún proveedor manifieste cambios que ameriten una bandera de riesgoNecessary decision-making in the event that a supplier manifests changes that warrant a risk flag.

Metalurgical Operations S.A., deposits the retention of the Mining Regalía until the 10th of the following month and this amount amounts to 3% of the Gross Value of the official contribution published by the Ministry of Mining, benefiting producer departments and municipalities.

OMSA recognizes problems related to the supply of tin from conflict and high-risk areas. We fully support the “Tin Supply Chain ” initiative to differentiate the marketing of ore that may be financing conflicts from that which it does not. If it becomes clear that any supplier is related to any armed group of any kind, the company will immediately cut off all kinds of commercial relationships with these suppliers, even becoming whistleblowers to the relevant government authorities.

In the event that Metallurgical Operations identifies suppliers that do not comply with this policy, a greater effort will be made so that corrective actions are carried out in the short term. Continuous non-compliance with the OMSA objectives described above will result in the cessation of commercial activities with the supplier, our company bases its operation on the ethics and legality of commercial relations with all its suppliers, continuously evaluating the legal regulations in which we are framed.

This Responsible Supply Chain Policy will be reviewed and updated each mining management closure, that is, annually.