Environmental Policy


Considering the purpose and context of the organization, and the conditions of the environment where the company operates, the Management of Operaciones Metalúrgicas S.A. OMSA is committed to continuously improve the Environmental Management System (EMS), according to compliance obligations, respecting the principles and requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

All employees and workers of Operaciones Metalúrgicas S.A. OMSA work to protect the environment by preventing and eliminating environmental pollution through:

- Ongoing training to prevent environmental pollution that helps preserve natural resources and improve the EMS. - Ensure the protection of the environment, working in a respectful way, preventing pollution and minimizing the environmental effects produced as a result of the activity that we develop in our operations.
- Ensure compliance with the environmental legal requirements applicable in our country and the requirements voluntarily assumed by the Company.
- Establish indicators and reporting systems that allow us to objectively know the environmental impact of our operations.
- Maintain the awareness and sensitization of all our employees, promoting their environmental training and encouraging their active participation, including suggestions for improvement proposed by them in order to promote continuous improvement.
- Define specific and measurable objectives and goals within an environmental program, being reviewable according to their achievement at least once a year.
- To carry out an annual periodic evaluation of the environmental aspects derived from our activity, for the purpose of maintenance and continuous improvement of the environmental management system.

Oruro, November 10, 2020